Cette section présente le répertoire des experts scientifiques, membres du Centre d’études sur le stress humain qui contribuent aux recherches sur le stress.
Cette section présente le répertoire des experts scientifiques, membres du Centre d’études sur le stress humain qui contribuent aux recherches sur le stress.
A | ||
Abelson, James - M.D., Ph. D. | jabelson@umich.edu | University of Michigan |
Adler, Nancy - Ph. D. | Nancy.Adler@ucsf.edu | MacArthur - UCSF |
Anisman, Hymie - Ph. D. | Hymie.Anisman@carleton.ca | Carleton University |
B | ||
Baldwin, Mark – Ph. D. | mark.baldwin@mcgill.ca | Université McGill |
Beaulieu, Serge - M.D., Ph. D., FRCPC | serge.beaulieu@mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/serge-beaulieu" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Boivin, Michel - M.D., FRCP | Michel.Boivin@psy.ulaval.ca |
href="https://www.psy.ulaval.ca/?pid=996" target=" blank">Université Laval |
Boivin, Michel - Ph. D. | boivinm@fondationchagnon.org | Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon |
Brown, Thomas G. - Ph. D. | thomas.brown@mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/thomas-brown" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Brunet, Alain - Ph. D. | alain.brunet@mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/alain-brunet" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Bukowski, William - Ph. D. | William.Bukowski@concordia.ca |
href="https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/psychology/faculty.html?fpid=william-bukowski" target=" blank">Université Concordia |
C | ||
Cargo, Margaret - Ph. D. | margaret.cargo@unisa.edu.au | University of South Australia |
Carmant, Lionel - M.D. | lionel.carmant@umontreal.ca | Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine - Le centre hospitalier universitaire mère-enfant |
Chen, Edith - Ph. D. | edith.chen@northwestern.edu | Northwestern University |
Cicchetti, Dante - Ph. D. | cicchett@umn.edu |
href="http://www.cehd.umn.edu/icd/people/faculty/Cicchetti.html" target=" blank">Institute of Child Development - University of Minnesota |
Côté, Sylvana - Ph. D. | sylvana.cote@umontreal.ca | Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine - Le centre hospitalier universitaire mère-enfant |
Cousins, Lorne - Ph. D. | lornecousins@appliedlearningcenter.com |
href="http://appliedlearningcenter.com/our_team/lorne-s-cousins/" target=" blank">The Applied Learning Center - Le Centre d'Apprentissage Appliqué |
D | ||
Dastoor, Dolly - Ph. D. | dasdol@douglas.mcgill.ca | Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
DeLongis, Anita - Ph. D. | adelongis@psych.ubc.ca |
href="http://psych.ubc.ca/persons/anita-delongis/" target=" blank">The Center for Health and Coping Studies - University of British Columbia |
Drolet, Guy - Ph. D. | guy.drolet@neurosciences.ulaval.ca | Centre de recherche du CHUQ |
Durand, Pierre - Ph. D. | pierre.durand@umontreal.ca |
href="http://eri.umontreal.ca/repertoire-departement/vue/durand-pierre/" target=" blank">École de relations industrielles - Université de Montréal |
E | ||
Ellenbogen, Mark - Ph. D. | Mark.Ellenbogen@concordia.ca |
href="https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/psychology/faculty.html?fpid=mark-ellenbogen" target=" blank">Département de psychologie - Université Concordia |
F | ||
Fleming, Alison - Ph. D. | alison.fleming@utoronto.ca | Fleming Laboratory - University of Toronto |
G | ||
Garcia, Amparo | amparo.garcia@douglas.mcgill.ca | Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Gauvin, Lise - Ph. D. | lise.gauvin.2@umontreal.ca |
href="http://crchum.chumontreal.qc.ca/chercheurs/gauvin-lise" target=" blank">Centre de recherche Léa-Roback sur les inégalités sociales de santé de Montréal |
Gratton, Alain, Ph. D. | alain.gratton@douglas.mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/alain-gratton" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Greenwood, Carol - Ph. D. | carol.greenwood@utoronto.ca |
href="http://research.baycrest.org/cgreenwood" target=" blank">Baycrest - University of Toronto |
Gruber, Reut - Ph. D. | reut.gruber@douglas.mcgill.ca | Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Guimond-Plourde, Renée - Ph. D. | plourder@nbnet.nb.ca |
href="http://www.umoncton.ca/recherche/files/recherche/wf/wf/pdf/chercheurs/2016-07-05_UMoncton_Renee_Guimond_Plourde.pdf" target=" blank">Université de Moncton |
Gunnar, Megan - Ph. D. | gunnar@umn.edu |
href="http://www.cehd.umn.edu/icd/people/faculty/Gunnar.html" target" blank">Institute of Child Development - University of Minnesota |
H | ||
Harnois, Gaston - M.D. | ccoms-mtl-whocc@douglas.mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/gaston-harnois" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Hébert, Sylvie - Ph. D. | sylvie.hebert@umontreal.ca |
href="https://eoa.umontreal.ca/departement/professeurs-chercheurs/sylvie-hebert/" target=" blank">Centre de recherche - Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal |
J | ||
Joober, Ridha - M.D., Ph. D. | ridha.joober@douglas.mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/ridha-joober" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
K | ||
Kosatsky, Tom - M.D. | tkosatsk@santepub-mtl.qc.ca |
href="http://spph.ubc.ca/person/thomas-kosatsky/" target=" blank">School of Population and public Health - University of British Columbia |
King, Anthony - Ph. D. | samadhi@med.umich.edu | Department of Psychiatry - University of Michigan |
King, Suzanne - Ph. D. | suzanne.king@douglas.mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/suzanne-king" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
L | ||
Liberzon, Israel - M.D. | liberzon@umich.edu |
href="https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/psychiatry/israel-liberzon-md" target=" blank">Neuroscience - University of Michigan |
Loucks, Eric – Ph. D. | eric.loucks@brown.edu | Division of Biology and Medicine - Brown University |
Lupien, Sonia - Ph. D. | sonia.lupien@umontreal.ca | Centre de recherche Fernand-Seguin de l'Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine |
Lynch, John - Ph. D., MPH | john.lynch@mcgill.ca | Département d'épidémiologie, de biostatique et de santé au travail - Université McGill |
M | ||
Maheu, Francoise - Ph. D. | francoise.maheu@umontreal.ca | Centre de recherche CHU Sainte-Justine |
Malla, Ashok - Ph. D., FRCPC | ashok.malla@douglas.mcgill.ca | Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Marchand, Alain - Ph. D. | alain.marchand@umontreal.ca |
href="http://eri.umontreal.ca/repertoire-departement/vue/marchand-alain/" target=" blank">École de relations industrielles - Université de Montréal |
Matheson, Kim - Ph. D. | kim_matheson@sympatico.ca | Research Centre for the Study of Stress Processes and Stress Management - Carleton University |
Mathews, Stephen - Ph. D. | stephen.matthews@utoronto.ca |
href="http://www.physiology.utoronto.ca/content/stephen-matthews" target=" blank">Department of Physiology - University of Toronto |
McEwen, Bruce – Ph. D. | bruce.mcewen@rockefeller.edu | Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology - The Rockefeller University |
McGrath, Jennifer - Ph. D., M.P.H., C. Psych. | Jennifer.McGrath@concordia.ca |
href="https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/psychology/faculty.html?fpid=jennifer-mcgrath" target=" blank">Department of Psychology - Université Concordia |
Meaney, Michael – Ph. D. | michael.meaney@mcgill.ca |
href="http://douglas.research.mcgill.ca/fr/michael-meaney" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Merali, Zul - Ph. D. | merali@uottawa.ca | École de psychologie - Université d'Ottawa |
Miller, Gregory - Ph. D. | gemiller@psych.ubc.ca |
href="https://pwias.ubc.ca/profile/gregory-miller" target=" blank">Psychobiological Determinants of Health Lab - University of British Columbia |
Sheiner-Moss, Ellen - Ph. D. | sheiner-moss.ellen@uqam.ca |
href="http://professeurs.uqam.ca/component/savrepertoireprofesseurs/ficheProfesseur?mId=pXLexmkPzuc_" target=" blank">Département de psychologie - UQAM |
N | ||
Nader, Karim - Ph. D. | karim.nader@mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.psych.mcgill.ca/labs/naderlab/The_Nader_Lab/Home.html" target=" blank">Université McGill |
Nair, Vasavan - M.D., FRCPC | vasavan.nair@douglas.mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/vasavan-nair" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
O | ||
O’Rourke, Norm - Ph. D., R. Psych. | ORourke@sfu.ca | Simon Fraser University |
Ouellet-Morin, Isabelle - Ph. D. | isabelle.ouellet-morin@umontreal.ca |
href="http://www.iusmm.ca/isabelleouelletmorin.html" target=" blank">Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal - Université de Montréal |
P | ||
Parker, Karen – Ph. D. | karen.parker@stanford.edu | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Stanford School of Medicine |
Peretz, Isabelle - Ph. D. | isabelle.peretz@umontreal.ca |
href="http://www.brams.org/membres/isabelle-peretz/" target=" blank">BRAMS - Université de Montréal |
Pollak, Seth - Ph. D. | spollak@wisc.edu | Waisman Center |
Pruessner, Jens – Ph. D. | jens.pruessner@mcgill.ca | Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Pruessner, Marita - Ph. D. | marita@bic.mni.mcgill.ca | Narsad |
Pushkar, Dolores – Ph. D. | dolores.pushkar@Concordia.ca | Centre for Research in Human Development - Université Concordia |
Q | ||
Quirion, Rémi - Ph. D., CQ, FRSC | remi.quirion@mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/remi-quirion" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
R | ||
Rochford, Joseph - Ph. D. | joseph.rochford@douglas.mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/joseph-rochford" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Rodriguez, Maria-Toledo - Ph. D. | maria.toledo@nottingham.ac.uk |
href="https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/life-sciences/people/maria.toledo" target=" blank">Brain and Body Centre - University of Nottingham |
S | ||
Sandi, Carmen - Ph. D. | carmen.sandi@epfl.ch | Laboratory of Behavioral Genetics (LGC) - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Schwartz, Georges – M.Sc., CCRP | georges.schwartz@douglas.mcgill.ca | Non disponible |
Séguin, Louise - Ph. D. | louise.seguin@umontreal.ca |
href="http://espum.umontreal.ca/a-propos/departement-de-medecine-sociale-et-preventive/lequipe-du-departement/personnel-enseignant/professeur/in/in14215/sg/Louise%20S%C3%A9guin/" target=" blank">Département de médecine sociale et préventive - Université de Montréal |
Sherwin, Barbara - Ph. D. | barbara.sherwin@mcgill.ca |
href="https://www.mcgill.ca/psychology/barbara-b-sherwin" target=" blank">Université McGill |
Simard, Marcel - Ph. D. | marcel.simard@umontreal.ca | École de relations industrielles - Université de Montréal |
Stack, Dale - Ph. D. | dale.stack@concordia.ca | Centre for Research in Human Development - Université Concordia |
Steiner, Meier - M.D., Ph. D., FRCPC | mst@mcmaster.ca | University of Toronto |
Stemmer, Brigitte - M.D., Ph. D. | b.stemmer@umontreal.ca |
href="http://www.criugm.qc.ca/en/researchers/laboratory-directors/62-brigitte-stemmer.html" target=" blank">Centre de recherche - Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal |
Stewart, Jane - Ph. D. | jane.stewart@concordia.ca |
href="https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/psychology/faculty.html?fpid=jane-stewart" target=" blank">FRSQ Groupe de recherche en neurobiologie comportementale - Université Concordia |
T | ||
Tarabulsy, George - Ph. D. | George.Tarabulsy@psy.ulaval.ca |
href="https://www.psy.ulaval.ca/?pid=1028" target=" blank">Université Laval - École de psychologie |
Thanh Tu, Mai - Ph. D. | mai.thanh.tu@umontreal.ca |
href="http://www.medsp.umontreal.ca/IRSPUM_DB/bottin.asp?no=4150" target=" blank">IRSPUM - Université de Montréal |
V | ||
Vischer, Jacqueline - Ph. D. | jacqueline.vischer@umontreal.ca | Université de Montréal - Groupe de recherche sur les environnements de travail (GRET) |
W | ||
Walker, Dominique - Ph. D. | dominique.walker@douglas.mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/claire-dominique-walker?locale=en" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Weekes, Nicole - Ph. D. | nicole_weekes@pomona.edu |
href="https://www.pomona.edu/directory/people/nicole-y-weekes" target=" blank">Ponoma College |
Wild, Gary - M.D., Ph. D. | gary.wild@staff.mcgill.ca | Centre universitaire de santé McGill |
Wilkinson, Charles - Ph. D. | wilkinso@u.washington.edu | Alzheimer's Disease Research Center - University of Washington |
Wong, Tak Pan - Ph. D. | takpan.wong@douglas.mcgill.ca |
href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/tak-pan-wong?locale=en" target=" blank">Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |
Woodside, Barbara - Ph. D. | Barbara.Woodside@concordia.ca |
href="http://www.concordia.ca/faculty/barbara-woodside.html" target=" blank">Centre de recherche en neurobiologie comportementale - Université Concordia |
Wrosch, Carsten - Ph. D. | wrosch@vax2.concordia.ca | Laboratoire de Carsten Wroch |
Z | ||
Zacchia, Camillo - Ph. D. | camillo.zacchia@douglas.mcgill.ca | Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas |